Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wow, I'm Out

Kendel, you didn't even have to buy me a beer and I didn't even have to decide to be out. Just one of those involuntary collapses right at the end.
So I was just leaving Jewel of India with some delicious food we'll be eating tonight and I couldn't help but stop to look in the container to see and smell the food better. I didn't realize it but a small amount of it lined the hinge of my index finger which I thoughtlessly brought to my mouth and tasted...
Except I actually wiped it off on my jeans, I'm still in the competition and Patrick Duffy is in my shower even though I dreamed an entire year after he had quite publicly died.
This reminds me of Step by Step for some reason:


Brittany said... are you out or what? This is confusing.

Ari said...

I actually expected the unconnected references to Patrick Duffy would be the most confusing part of the post, but no I'm not out, it was a hoax.

Toosdai said...

AHAHAHAHAHAHA i get the patrick duffy references. patrick duffy references are my favorite.